XLX 751
# Reflector Country Service Comment
1 XLX000 Florida USA The begining of the ARRG.US Array
2 XLX001 Italy Centro Digiland DStar <> DMR TG22208 BM2222 <> YSF 22208 <> NXDN 22208
3 XLX002 United Kingdom FreeSTAR SYSTEMX Multimode Reflector - www.freestar.network
4 XLX003 UK Digital England
5 XLX004 Michigan USA Great Lakes Reflector [MOD A TG4001 DMR to BM 31261
6 XLX005 UK Welcome to XLX005 Now with YSF
7 XLX006 USA Mateship: Fostering good relations between the US and Australia. All nations welcome
8 XLX007 The Netherlands Hobbyscoop DCS007 XLX Reflector
9 XLX008 Brazil AMRASE Reflector
10 XLX009 Korea Hosted by DS3IRR in Seosan-si, Republic Korea
11 XLX010 Sweden DCS010
12 XLX011 Belgium Belgium D-Star XLX Multiprotocol Reflector and Smart Group Server, brought to you by ON4TOP
13 XLX012 United Kingdom ADN Systems UK hosted by FreeSTAR
14 XLX013 United States Hosted by W4LUC & WB2LMV - The East Coast High Adventure Club
15 XLX014 Australia DCS014/XLX014 DSTAR/DMR/Fusion running XLXd with Transcode
16 XLX015 Germany DL-MultiNet-Bridge * DMR+/D-Star/C4FM/NXDN/Peanut * Transcoder on all Modules
17 XLX016 Japan Hosted by JF7SGB in Akita-Pref, Japan.
18 XLX017 Brazil Hosted by PY1IP in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
19 XLX018 Spain Spanish DSTAR Central
20 XLX019 Czech Republic and Slovakia OK+OM D-Star DMR C4FM Multiprotocol Gateway
21 XLX020 USA Sponsored by the 020 Digital Multiprotocol Group
22 XLX021 Germany PEGASUS
23 XLX022 Denver, CO, USA CARBBN Multi Reflector
24 XLX023 Bulgaria IPSC2-Bulgaria bridge,room B -->>TG 284
25 XLX024 Poland PL Kadzidlo DMR/C4FM
27 XLX026 United States NEMMG
28 XLX027 Poland PL Kurpie DMR/C4FM
29 XLX028 United States AMSAT, Please switch from 028 to SAT, ie.. REFSAT, DCSSAT, XRFSAT, or XLXSAT, as we will close this
30 XLX029 United States ADK Reflector Hosted by N2KTO
31 XLX030 Austria Digital Voice Austria
32 XLX031 Germany PI-STAR Germany / z31 OV Leer VFDB
33 XLX032 Luxembourg Hosted by RL (www.rlx.lu)
34 XLX033 France XLX033 Reflecteur France DSTAR
35 XLX034 United States Houston,Texas
36 XLX035 Spokane, WA, USA Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts
37 XLX036 World Wide Local Use
39 XLX038 USA Free-Star* XRF038 replacement
40 XLX039 Italy BM 2222 ITALIA - Official IT DSTAR Reflector connected to multiprotocol systems
41 XLX040 Portugal Portuguese XLX Reflector
42 XLX041 USA Florida Keys FreeDMR 31120 YSF MIAMIUSA AllStar 51957
43 XLX042 GB-Wales WDRG hosted bridge. DStar, Wires-x, YSF, DMR
44 XLX043 USA Paulding GA ARES
45 XLX044 Canada FREE-STAR* XLX044 Hub BM:302050 YSF:CA ON-ProCom
46 XLX045 USA Penn-Link - info.pennlinkgroup.com - DSTAR/DMR/YSF/P25/NXDN/Wires-X
47 XLX046 CHILE D-Star Reflector Chile
48 XLX047 JAPAN Hosted by JL3ZBS 'Day After Day D*STAR Network'.
49 XLX048 Spain URE Valencia XLX BM TG21446 / YSF34610
50 XLX049 USA sister to REF049
51 XLX050 USA San Francisco Bay reflector
53 XLX052 Japan Hosted by JR8EKN in Sapporo-City, Hokkaido.
54 XLX053 USA Multi-Mode Reflector YSF/DMR/D-Star and AllStar
55 XLX054 Poland PL Kadzidlo DMR/C4FM
56 XLX055 China XLX055 was established in 2017 by Team Helix
57 XLX056 USA Kinda Broken scmidlands.network
58 XLX057 Sweden Welcome to XLX057 with DMR & D-Star & YSF
59 XLX058 Japan Hosted by VoIP Gifu Net Ham Club (JJ2YQH).
60 XLX059 RI DIGITALLINK DCS059, BM-31444,YSF-31444,P25-31444,NXDN-31444,IRLP-9871,ASL-45590,HAMSHACK-94013,HAMSOVER-15003
61 XLX060 Wales Hosted by Dave GW8SZL, Declan 2W0KYH, Newport, South Wales, UK
62 XLX061 United Kingdom See https://oarc.uk for more details
63 XLX062 Brazil Superlink Brazil | BM TG268916 | DMR+ TG72416 | XLX062B | M17 | P25 | NXDN | REF018B
64 XLX063 Germany Hosted by manfred-lichtenstern.de DM8ANE Manfred Lichtenstern
65 XLX064 Aichi Japan Welcome to Japanese XLX Reflector Gateway
66 XLX065 United States USTripleNickel XLX Reflector. Louisville, KY
69 XLX068 Italy IrcDDB-Italia - www.ircddb-italia.it - www.ircddb.it
70 XLX069 Spain Grupo ELITE
71 XLX070 Brazil www.dstar.com.br
72 XLX071 Daegu, South Korea Thank you for visit XLX071 Reflector. Hosted by DS5TUK, Located in Daegu, South Korea(PM45HU)
73 XLX072 United States K5SYN D-Star Reflector
74 XLX073 USA Multimode in the FOG Module F - FOG Info at: https://ham-radio-fog.org/
75 XLX074 Beijing, China Multi-mode Crosslink for Local HAM Talk (TG46010) in Beijing, China. Anyone is welcome to join!
76 XLX075 South Korea XLX075 is Backup Reflector of XLX071
77 XLX076 Japan Hosted by VoIP Reflector Club in Tokyo, Japan.
78 XLX077 USA-MEX 0077-NETWORK IRLP, YSF, D-Star, DMR en Espanol
79 XLX078 China XLX-Shanghai,BR4AA&BR4AC,YSF46021&TG46021
80 XLX079 Italy Italian DSTAR XLX Multiprotocol Reflector and Smart Group Server - https://iz5wga.radio
81 XLX080 Japan Hosted by JR3VH Club XLX Reflector in Osaka.
82 XLX081 Japan Hosted by JR3VH Club XLX Reflector in Osaka.
83 XLX082 Denver, CO, USA denhax Multi Reflector
84 XLX083 CHILE CL-Link Network Multiprotocolo DStar - WiresX81510 - YSFRef51028 - ADN DMR - RedChile Echolink
85 XLX084 Germany Hosted by dn2ane.de DM8ANE Manfred Lichtenstern
86 XLX085 Japan Yokohama Tsuzuki Reflector
87 XLX086 China D-Star Multi-Function Reflector by Team Helix
88 XLX087 Ballarat - Australia YSF - WiresX - DMR - Ballarat Australia
89 XLX088 The Netherlands Official reflector run by PA4TW. Located in Amsterdam, NL.
90 XLX089 USA Boston, MA Open Use DMR/YSF/DSTAR Reflector NewEnglandDigitalRadio.com
91 XLX090 USA Hosted by KB1NYT Swansea,MA
92 XLX091 USA Florida / Tampa Bay
93 XLX092 Switzerland Gruppe Hb9csr Official DSTAR Reflector
94 XLX093 Italy Italy Centro/Digiland Italia - W-x,YSF,YCS,DMR,Peanut,P25,M17,NXDN,Echolink,ASL
95 XLX094 USA UtahDRN.org Multi Mode Reflector
96 XLX095 Japan Hosted by JE7ZDR Miyagi Reflector HAM Club.
97 XLX096 KOREA Busan DV Research Group
98 XLX097 USA Providence RI Open Use DMR/YSF/DSTAR Reflector NewEnglandDigitalRadio.com
99 XLX098 Nagoya JAPAN Welcome to xrf098 Rintaro's Room
100 XLX099 Hungary Welcome to Lake Balaton XLX Reflector
101 XLX100 Florida USA Part of the ARRG.US ARRAY
102 XLX101 Florida USA Part of the ARRG.US ARRAY ~
103 XLX102 Florida USA Anchor of the ARRG.US ARRAY ~ PEANUT on DCS102 B C E W & X ~~
105 XLX104 USA Users in Stone Mountian, Georiga - part of the ARRG.US Array---Sponsored by NO9S
106 XLX105 Brazil ref105.dstar.com.br
107 XLX106 USA Detroit and eastern MI YSF Reflector - TGIF 99846 - P25 9846
108 XLX107 China ChengDu
109 XLX108 Japan Hosted by JA0YOT in Nagano Japan.
110 XLX109 Japan XLX Reflector
111 XLX110 USA XLX110
112 XLX111 Japan Hosted by Tokai University School of Medicine (JQ1ZWV) in Isehara-City.
113 XLX112 SPAIN XLX112 ysf 53278 ide - MALLORCA -Islas Baleares
114 XLX113 Germany Foerdefunk.de (XLX113|YSF31337)
115 XLX114 United States CDARIN XLX114 - Administered by K9PSL
116 XLX115 Switzerland HB9VD XLX Reflector - french-speaking switzerland
118 XLX117 Uruguay Uruguay-Link (DStar-FUSION-DMR) Peanut
119 XLX118 Italy Gruppo Dstar Siracusa - E.R.A. Valle dei Templi Agrigento
120 XLX119 Uruguay Uruguay-Link Dstar Only
121 XLX120 USA XLX120.COM K2COP XLX120 Reflector Daytona Beach, FL
122 XLX121 Italy XLX121 Reflector Verona
123 XLX122 Greece Experimental server contact sv1iw@raag.org
124 XLX123 Germany DK8RG - Modul A-E = D-Star, Module F-J transcoding DMR <-> C4FM
125 XLX124 Japan Hosted by JA8IBG in Sapporo-City Hokkaido,Japan.
126 XLX125 Hungary Welcome to Hungarian XLX Reflector
127 XLX126 Switzerland Gruppe Hb9csr Official DSTAR Reflector
128 XLX127 USA San Clemente CA, xlx reflector
129 XLX128 Argentina RadioHUB - [AMBE-Transcoded on Module A]
130 XLX129 Kanagawa Japan JN1GUW Ayase-city Reflector
131 XLX131 The Netherlands Reflector hosted by PE1ER, Now with YSF and G3 Terminal Connectivity
132 XLX132 Poland Polish Multiprotocol Reflector, 6CH TransCoder, YSF 09815 and 77462, BM DMR TG260041
133 XLX133 Switzerland IAPC Suisse-ROMANDE
134 XLX134 Poland PL Kurpie 6CH Transcoding DMR/D-Star/C4FM
135 XLX135 United Kingdom 2W0ODS - XLX 135 - South Wales UK
136 XLX136 Kanazawa Japan XLX VoIP Reflector by JA9DIJ
137 XLX137 USA Coming soon to Hotspots near you!!!
138 XLX138 Thailand ADRThai : Analoge&Digital Radio Thailand. As long as the signal is reached there is a friend
139 XLX139 USA Maine XLX Reflector Terminal Mode enabled transcoded
140 XLX140 Europe European Reflector for D-STAR, DMR and C4FM
141 XLX141 USA VaDigital Reflector
142 XLX142 United States
143 XLX143 USA The Wasteland SoCal
144 XLX144 USA Gateway, CO - Western Slope
145 XLX145 USA URF145 - info.pennlinkgroup.com - G3 Terminal Services - Module A: DMR/DSTAR/Fusion/P25/NXDN/M17
146 XLX146 USA Bible Talk
147 XLX147 ARG Reflector del Sudeste Cordobes
148 XLX148 Thailand Backup Reflectors
149 XLX149 Thailand Reflector XLX149 NXDN:149||TGif:149,52032||BM:52032||YSF/C4FM:81416,58183,40497||P25:149
150 XLX150 USA XLX150
151 XLX151 USA - North MS Multi-Mode Reflector for Area 51 Radio Group in North MS || D-STAR C || DMR D
152 XLX152 USA Oregon COMM
153 XLX153 POLAND YSF12153/Dstar
154 XLX154 Takaishi Osaka Japan your_comment
155 XLX155 TheDive USA TheDive 155: BM314137<>YSF 00155<>DMR XLX155A<>D-Star DCS155A
156 XLX156 USA Wheels N Keels North
157 XLX157 Italy Calabria XLX157 Multiprotocol System
158 XLX158 JAPAN XLX Test Server
159 XLX160 Japan Hosted by JF6ROW in Fukuoka-City, Fukuoka-Pref.
160 XLX161 Republic of BULGARIA XLX161 Multiprotocol Reflector
162 XLX163 Samara XLX163 <=> DMR <=> YSF
163 XLX164 US K4FSG - Florida Simulcast Group
164 XLX165 Greece Digital Voice GREECE
165 XLX166 italia Test By iz5ild
166 XLX167 USA Welcome To FDCCU Reflector
167 XLX168 Ukraine Odessa Radio Link
168 XLX169 Germany hosted by DC9VQ - multimode DL-Hessen/RLP an YSF Deutschland
169 XLX170 USA Welcome to the new XLX170 Reflector in USA
170 XLX171 Russia Tula
171 XLX172 Germany XLX Reflector hosted by DC7RT
172 XLX173 USA LaGrandeDigital Multiprotocol
173 XLX174 Germany Multi Mode Protokoll Reflector <=> DE-Baltic
174 XLX175 Ohio - USA Hosted by W8LOW - Terminal Mode Enabled
175 XLX176 Japan Hosted by JH9YZH in Ishikawa-Pref
176 XLX177 Italy Multiprotocol GW Reflector D-STAR TM G3 YSF WIRES-X DMR
177 XLX178 Derbyshire, UK Buxton Radio Amateurs - supports Peanut, DStar, DMR+, YSF, AP/Term Mode, Allstar 60229, TGIF 178
178 XLX179 NE Wales Host GW3ATZ. Lora Mod C
179 XLX180 Ohio USA WARN - Weather Amateur Radio Network (W8NWS)
180 XLX181 USA Indiana Link Reflector
181 XLX182 Korea Hosted by DS5QDR, linked to DMR, IPSC2, YSF, ASL, Echolink with 438.6 MHz
183 XLX184 Germany Only for Germany
184 XLX185 US AD8G // No comment.
185 XLX187 USA San Diego Based Transcoding reflector
186 XLX188 USA >>>ALL WELCOME<<< Multi-Protocol Transcoding DMR, DStar and YSF
187 XLX189 Russia Kemerovo
188 XLX190 Argentina Argentina ROOM, DV Bridge. G3 Terminal Connectivity
189 XLX191 Thailand Built by TANI&QRK5 Team
190 XLX192 Japan Hosted by JA5ZNO Sanuki Usodori Hamclub
191 XLX194 POLAND Hosted by SP1AZ PL Island Uznam XLX194 YSF77194 DMR
192 XLX195 USA All Things Digital Ham
193 XLX196 Canada Backup for XLX197
194 XLX197 Canada Welcome Ottawa/Calgary tri-mode reflector XLX197
195 XLX198 Argentina Servidor Multproposito DSTAR YSF - Bahia Blanca - Argentina
197 XLX200 Spain XLX200 DSTAR/DMR-BM/C4FM
198 XLX201 UK - with G3 Terminal Transcoding Dstar, DMR, YSF, G3, Peanut
199 XLX202 Greece XLX Multiprotocol Reflector, brought to you by FreeDMR Greece
200 XLX204 Netherlands Multi Mode AMBE-transcoded: D-Star - DMR - C4FM (YSF/WiresX). Hosted by PAØROB
201 XLX205 United States Deacon Chat is a multiprotocol transcoded node hosted by NE4PO
202 XLX207 Bedford United Kingdom TheBlackSheep Pub Radio Club Ambed Server
203 XLX208 France French D-Star XLX Multiprotocol Reflector and Smart Group Server, brought to you by F5KAV
204 XLX209 USA Welcome to the Great Smoky Mountains Reflector (TN)
205 XLX210 Belgium XLX210 MultiProtocols Gateway Reflector ((Modules A-T)/ Linked to ADN2061 Belgium/WiresX-Belgium FR/
206 XLX212 USA Member of the Kings of Digital Constellation. DMR only. TG 4001-4026.
207 XLX213 Puerto Rico Hosted By: WP4SSB Digital Network
208 XLX214 SPAIN www.dstar.es
209 XLX215 UK HADARS - Harlow and District Amateur Radio Society
210 XLX216 USA DMR<->D-Star Reddit
211 XLX219 USA K2EJ Reflector Empire
212 XLX220 Miyazaki Japan Welcome to XLX220 in Miyakonojo-City Reflector
213 XLX221 Greece GREEK C4FM GROUP - DVoice MultiReflector
214 XLX222 IT Test reflector
215 XLX223 Japan NARUSAWABASE Yamanashi-pref.
216 XLX225 Japan Hosted by 225 A.M.C / JS1YCB in Chigasaki-City Kanagawa-Pref, Japan.
217 XLX226 Thailand Krabi Thailand ASL==>589060==>XLX226 A TGIF:58906 Frequency 145.600 MHz DMR:module E
218 XLX227 Romania YO server - Icom G3 terminal/AP mode access, 6 channel transcoding
219 XLX229 Switzerland SWISS-ARTG Reflector
220 XLX230 Czech Republic AMBE+(D*),AMBE++(DMR,C4FM),IMBE(APCO25),DVSI and DV3000+Uart
221 XLX231 Sardinia Island Regional Transcoding TG 22202/BM (www.is0.org) - Italy Multiprotocol
222 XLX232 United Kingdom Hosted by 2E0OGN
223 XLX233 UK Lowestoft UK
224 XLX234 UK Staffordshire, UK
225 XLX235 UK XLX235
226 XLX236 United States OhioLink Network | http://olnradio.digital
227 XLX237 USA East Coast Reflector D-Star Gateway | http://www.eastcoastreflector.com/
228 XLX238 Denmark Danish Reflector XLX238
229 XLX239 USA Detroit Who Cares ARG https://whocaresradio.com
230 XLX240 Brazil Interliga XLX062B
231 XLX241 Spain REM - Asociacion de Radio Amateur
232 XLX242 Wales South Wales Digital Group
233 XLX243 USA Southern KY Ragchew
234 XLX244 USA Hosted on Cloud infrastructure in Dallas, TX, USA.
235 XLX245 USA Welcome to Hell on the border.
236 XLX246 N California, USA Silicon Valley Japanese Ham Club (SVJHC) and NW6UP
237 XLX247 United Kingdom OZ-DMR NETWORK
238 XLX248 United Kingdom FreeSTAR Network - D-STAR Transcoding. G3 Terminal support, DG-ID Support. YSF 27815 auto starts on
239 XLX250 USA Houston, Texas, USA from N5BDJ Fred Joly to Brazil and USA groups
240 XLX251 Greece Hellas Europe Group
242 XLX253 Philippines DX1ARM XLX Server
243 XLX254 USA Central Texas Interlink (Under Construction)
244 XLX255 Ukraine DMR (BM TG255) <=> D-STAR (XRF255) <=> YSF <=> WiresX Gateway
245 XLX256 Ukraine Odessa Radio Link - UA XLX - DMR, YSF, D-STAR Reflector
246 XLX257 Ukraine DMR (BM TG255) <=> D-STAR (XRF257) <=> YSF <=> WiresX Gatewayt
247 XLX258 USA FDCCU San Diego
248 XLX259 Moldova, Republic of D* <-> YSF25902 <-> BM2599 <-> ER1OVR FM Rep <-> EchoLink
249 XLX260 Germany AFu-Kiel XLX
250 XLX261 Germany Reflector by aprsdirect.de
251 XLX262 Germany HAMNET / Internet https://xlx.prgm.org, Icom terminalmode, Multiprotocol
252 XLX263 Germany VFDB e.V. - www.vfdb.org (HAMs of the telecommunication industry)
253 XLX264 USA XLX264: Hosted by W4BOG
255 XLX266 SPAIN Associaciò Analògic Digital Experimental Radio
256 XLX267 Portugal Cascais, PT based, use mainly for technical QSO or access to local repeaters
257 XLX268 Portugal XLX268 Portuguese: 4003(C)=Wires-X/YSF/TG268913, 4004(D)=TG268, 4005(E)=TG268912, 4006(F)=TG915, 402
258 XLX269 Germany XLX269/URF269 hosted by DC9VQ - Multimode Hessen/RLP
259 XLX270 Luxembourg Hosted by RL (www.rlx.lu)
260 XLX271 Italy URF Multiprotocol Reflector Gateway - NOW accepting D*Star, DMR, YSF, M17
261 XLX272 Trinidad & Tobago The DXHAMS Multimode System
262 XLX274 USA GoTeamLien
263 XLX275 United Kingdom Essex Raynet XLX Refelctor DMR <> XLX <> DStar
264 XLX277 USA Welcome to the XLX277 System, all are welcome.
265 XLX280 Italia XLX280 Transcodifica Modulo W Calabria
266 XLX281 USA Baresden Wilkesboro, NC
267 XLX282 Korea Hosted by DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Korea
268 XLX283 JAPAN Verification server
269 XLX284 Bulgaria IPSC2-Bulgaria
270 XLX285 USA XLX285 Findlay, Ohio
271 XLX286 Türkiye TÜRKiYE XLX286D DMR/D-STAR/YSF B.M TG28600 linked. ICOM-Terminal support.
272 XLX288 USA XLX288 Multi-Protocol Test Reflector
273 XLX289 USA Coastal Mississippi
274 XLX290 Portugal Refletor de estudo
275 XLX291 Japan Welcome to XLX291 Reflector Oume-City Tokyo,Japan by PACIFIC REPEATER NETWORK
276 XLX292 USA KQ4MUG XLX292
277 XLX294 Macedonia Welcome to Macedonian XLX294 Reflector
278 XLX295 USA OMIK Digital Wateringhole
279 XLX296 Japan JG1XWV test
280 XLX297 Japan Test
282 XLX299 New Zealand Transcoding DMR YSF D-Star Peanut DVNZ Group
283 XLX300 Brazil < ACESSO RESTRITO > Para solicitar acesso entre em contato com PU5KOD em t.me/PU5KOD
284 XLX303 USA Colorado Digital Multiprotocol
285 XLX305 Manchester, UK Oldham Amateur Radio Club XLX Reflector DMR/D-STAR/YSF
286 XLX306 Australia Wyndham Amateur Radio Club (VK3WRC)
287 XLX307 USA Powell Wyoming Multimode Reflector A-Z. Module A Transcoder DMR-DStar TG 31012
288 XLX308 your_country your_comment
289 XLX309 USA Eastern NC XLX Multimode Reflector
290 XLX310 YSF France Serveur XLX C4FM/YSF
291 XLX311 Texas, USA 11 Cats Amateur Radio Network: https://11cats.org
292 XLX312 USA TriStateDMR.org MultiMode (IL, IN, WI)
293 XLX313 USA Transcoding D-STAR/DMR Reflector hosted by Kings of Digital. Modules A-F/TG4001-6.
294 XLX314 Argentina Argentina Link
295 XLX315 Chicago, IL., USA America Ragchew XLX
296 XLX316 USA Sedgwick County KS, R.A.C.E.S., managed by KD0HTI
297 XLX317 USA Indianapolis Reflector
298 XLX318 USA XLX318 BEHIJR are linked to XLX618 H is linked to Wiresx 01966 & YSF 59073
299 XLX320 EXTREMADURA Multiprotocolo Extremadura by EA4GRR
300 XLX321 Italy Dolomites Radio Club - HAMNET ONLY
301 XLX322 USA Magellan Amateur Radio Network XLX Reflector XLX322
303 XLX326 Japan Hosted by JS6QMR in Tomigusuku-City Okinawa-Pref, Japan.
304 XLX327 USA XLX327 by KL7ET
306 XLX329 Japan Hosted by 7N1MPI in Nasushiobara-City,Tochigi
307 XLX330 US Megalink Project - YSF #83603 / BM TG 311070
308 XLX331 Bulgaria XLX331
309 XLX332 Italia - Puglia - Lecce - Squinzano Hosted by IZ7JWR Enrico. XLX multiprotocol reflector
310 XLX333 Poland (DMR)TG:260999 <---> (YSF):PL_GORLICE(76263) <---> (DSTAR):XLX333A
311 XLX334 United States of America D-Star XLX Multiprotocol Reflector, brought to you by KT4ROY
312 XLX335 USA Fusion soon Linked to Wires-x room 21335 WM-Connect
313 XLX337 USA SWLA-Link - Southwest Louisiana Digital Link System
314 XLX338 Taiwan XLX338 Reflector:Taoyuan Amateur Radio Club,SysOp BV3UN
315 XLX339 Germany Der Reflektor für Niedersachsen im Internet
316 XLX340 Brazil Exclusivo D-STAR / SEM Transcodificação
317 XLX344 USA K6EGG Live Stream Reflector
318 XLX345 Netherlands Hosted by PB1SAM
319 XLX346 Japan Hosted by Hokusetsu Telecom Laboratory, Kinki, Japan.
320 XLX347 Florida USA Central FL XLX Multiprotocol Reflector for HAM Radio Operators
321 XLX349 United States XLX349 by NK2I
322 XLX350 Kanazawa Japan XLX VoIP Reflector by JA9DIJ
323 XLX351 USA New England Reflector - G3 enabled - PART/WB1GOF sponsored
324 XLX352 USA Cecil County, MD
325 XLX353 Ireland
326 XLX354 United Kingdom Yorkshire Net UK
327 XLX356 Bulgaria Hostet by LZ1ZDP
328 XLX357 your_country your_comment
329 XLX358 United States XLX358 bridge to TG 358 DMR TGIF.NETWORK
330 XLX359 Bulgaria Bulgarian DStar ref = DMR transcoding to Brandmaster LINK to 284359
331 XLX360 USA XLX360 is a service by Unified Radios
333 XLX364 USA New England Network XLX Reflector www.new-eng.com
334 XLX365 Japan Kounosu amateur radio club in Kounosu-City Saitama-Pref.
335 XLX367 USA JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459
337 XLX369 USA Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. Net on Thursdays 2100EST
338 XLX370 Italy Liguria - TigullioHamradio
339 XLX371 Italy Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink
341 XLX373 Kyoto Japan Welcome to xlx373 Reflector Uji City Kyoto Japan
342 XLX374 Trinidad and Tobago - REACT Hosted by 9Z4RG. Contact robby@9Z4RG.com
343 XLX375 Belarus Belarusian DMR/YSF/D-Star/P25 reflector. Module A only. Bridged to TG25701 in Brandmeister.
344 XLX376 Murica! Experimental
345 XLX377 Curacao Hosted by PJ2RAW for HAM Radio Operators
346 XLX379 Murphys, Ca. USA CQ-California NorCal XLX
347 XLX381 United States Triangle NC XLX381 D-Star Reflector Modules:A=TAC A, B=TAC B, C=TriangleNC, D=Truck-N-Travel
348 XLX383 USA Texas-DFW linked systems
349 XLX384 USA Murphy Radio Network (MRN)
350 XLX385 USA Murphy Radio Network
351 XLX386 United States Foxhole - Module B bridged to BM TG-312384 https://foxhole.radio
352 XLX387 Bosnia & Herzegovina Welcome to first E7 XLX Reflector, Modules available: A,B,C,D, Hosted by Radio Club E70SIC
353 XLX388 USA welcome
354 XLX389 USA In The Making
355 XLX390 Italy XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector TG 22206
356 XLX391 Russia Smolensk
357 XLX393 Japan Yokohama Kouhoku Reflector
358 XLX395 Italy GRF Transcoding Reflector
360 XLX398 USA Ocala, FL
361 XLX400 United States Northern Maine Reflector
362 XLX403 CANADA XLX403 Calgary AB Canada
363 XLX404 Norway Norway XLX Reflector. DMR/FUSION Link. Sysop: LB1BI
364 XLX405 Canada FREE STAR* XLX405 (XRF005 Replacement)
365 XLX406 USA D-Star|DMR|YSF Hosted by Studio B Radio Society
366 XLX407 United States Central Florida
367 XLX408 Phillipines D-Star|DMR|YSF Hosted by DU1CW
368 XLX411 United States San Antonio, Texas -- NF-XLX.N5MRM.NET
369 XLX412 Japan Hosted by JH4UVQ , Japan
370 XLX414 Italy XLX414 MP Dolomiti - YSF #27345 - DMR BM TG 222345 - WiresX #41424
371 XLX416 Canada FREE STAR* Multi-Protocol Bridge
372 XLX418 Canada VE2YXY XLX
373 XLX420 United States of America Hidden Hams
375 XLX423 USA SouthEast Link - Every mode that you can think of! - lmarc.net
376 XLX424 La Haye Centre France Sysop F4GPJ Stephane
377 XLX426 Mexico Durango
378 XLX430 Japan Atrandom Kure JCC3502
379 XLX431 Japan Hosted by 8075AMC (JJ2YSJ) in Kosai-City, Shizuoka-Pref.
380 XLX432 Australia XLX432 Gateway
381 XLX434 SPAIN Hosted by ZuluRadio in Spain (Sysops EA4CZR & EA4FVB). XLX multiprotocol reflector
382 XLX436 Nicaragua Bienvenidos Al Servidor multiprotocolo C4FM<->ASL<->DMR
383 XLX438 JAPAN D-Star Reflector *** Feel free to test use *** (^o^)
384 XLX439 Italy XLX439 TG 22241 BM IT - Emilia Romagna
385 XLX440 Japan Hosted by E-KYUSHU XLX Reflector in Oita-City
386 XLX441 Japan Hosted by JA2JMV in Shinshiro-City, Aichi-Pre.
387 XLX444 The Netherlands Dutch YSF and DMR Reflector XLX444 Owner PD2VDY
388 XLX445 USA The Quiet Island
389 XLX446 USA The Quiet Island DMR<>DSTAR
390 XLX447 Apatity Experimental Server.
391 XLX448 Wisconsin, USA WA9HXLNet Reflector on XLX448
392 XLX449 USA XLX 449 NH
394 XLX451 NRW / Germany XLX451 D-Star Room
395 XLX453 Hong Kong, China Welcome to HKHAM XLX453 [Experimental Reflector run by VR2XRA]
396 XLX454 Hong Kong, China Welcome to HKHAM XLX454
397 XLX455 Mexico Normex Multiprotocol sponsored by XE2PMP
398 XLX456 Germany XLX456 - D-STAR/C4FM/DMR/NXDN for Germany
399 XLX457 Russia DNMT XLX 457 Reflector
400 XLX458 USA America Kansas City Wide
401 XLX459 Japan Hosted by JA5YOM Reflector in kagawa-Pref.
402 XLX460 USA St. Joseph, Missouri
403 XLX467 Japan SAKURA-NET Reflector
404 XLX469 Minnesota, USA Northstar Hub
405 XLX470 Northern Ca. USA NET TALK Multi-mode XLX/YSF Reflector System
407 XLX474 UK GX4MWS, Macclesfield & District Radio Club
408 XLX475 Hiroshima JAPAN Hello! Welcome to XLX475 for BINGO(Fukuyama)[Hosted by JN4RYW]
409 XLX476 France Bienvenue sur XLX476 [Reflecteur en test (F1IUQ)]
410 XLX477 UK hubnetwork.uk
411 XLX479 United States AmComm Network IMRS
412 XLX480 NorthDakota USA Private Test Reflector
413 XLX481 United Kingdom DDRC - Dunstable Downs Radio Club, hosted by G4IYT
414 XLX483 Pine Grove, Ca. USA CW-Ops Academy System
415 XLX484 Norway XLX reflector operated by LB8EI
416 XLX490 Wales Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society
417 XLX491 Russia UVSB_LINK
418 XLX492 US Multi-Protocol_XLX_REFLECTOR
419 XLX493 Minn. USA XLX493 Multi-Protocol Reflector (by W0CHP)
420 XLX494 United States Rag chew and tech roundtable
421 XLX495 RUSSIA Link0
422 XLX498 RUSSIA Link3
423 XLX499 Japan Hosted by CQHAM.NET / PRUG
424 XLX500 Australia Hosted by Ian VK2HK
426 XLX502 Guatemala CRAG Official XLX Reflector, Trasncoding on module C, Welcome
427 XLX504 Honduras Hosted by HR2DDL. new-xlxd
428 XLX505 Australia Hosted by VK7HSE
429 XLX507 Panama C4FM PANAMA HUB
430 XLX508 Germany/Switzerland XLX508 DStar, DMR, C4FM with support for DG-ID and Peanut Gateway Ostwestfalen with transcoding and
431 XLX510 Japan Hosted by JP7VHA in Natori-City Miyagi-Pref
432 XLX511 Slovenia Slovenia XLX511 Multyprotocl Gateway Reflector > Dstar, DMR 293 29320, YSF 48857 62716, WIRES-X 0
433 XLX512 United States SJCARS Reflector, hosted by Newcastle-DStar
434 XLX514 Japan Hosted by Fukushima Mirai ARC XLX Reflector
435 XLX515 Japan Hosted by Narita Airport Club (JQ1ZLR) in Narita-City Chiba-Pref
436 XLX516 China XuZhou JiangSu BY BD4TWO
437 XLX517 US RadioSC Universal Reflector
438 XLX518 Germany N18 Open D-Star/DMR Reflector
439 XLX519 Canada Sponsored by ve3zin.com
440 XLX522 Malaysia Transcoding DMR/DSTAR,BM TG50210/525,Wires-X Malaysia room 24060/MYYSF/SingaporeYSFV2
441 XLX523 Malaysia XLX523 Test
442 XLX525 United States Franklin County Amateur Radio Club [D-Star <> DMR <> YSF] NC USA Transcoding Reflector
443 XLX526 United States Thousand Islands, NY
444 XLX530 New Zealand South Island XLX
445 XLX531 New Zealand Taupo Amateur Radio Club
446 XLX532 Austria ÖVSV XLX LV1
447 XLX533 China ZiBo SHanDong BG4IAJ
448 XLX534 BG Bulgaria XLX Reflector ADN BG 2841.adn.systems
449 XLX535 Thailand Built by PATTANI Team
450 XLX538 Osaka Japan Higashiosaka-city Hosted by JG3EBB /information-->http://jg3ebb.mydns.jp
452 XLX545 USA info.pennlinkgroup.com - G3 Terminal Serices - DMR/DSTAR/Fusion/P25/NXDN - Module B
453 XLX546 USA Alabama TOADS D-Star XLX546A/DMR 3192083/YSF55295/Allstar 57202
454 XLX547 USA - California KAPIHAN Network - Worldwide Digital Amateur Radio System - www.kapihan.net
455 XLX550 USA KY4VC
456 XLX555 Germany DB0FS in Hamburg with IC-9700 Terminal-Support. Free Picture-Exchange on Module E
457 XLX556 US URF556 in Stafford Virginia DMR, M17, YSF, DStar, P25, NXDN
458 XLX560 Japan Hosted by JA9DIJ in Kanazawa-City Ishikawa-Pref, Japan.
459 XLX561 Japan Hosted by Seto Reflector Club in Aichi-Pref.
460 XLX565 Canada VE7JBX test reflector
461 XLX567 Thailand XLX567 Thailand Reflector Suratthani
462 XLX569 USA Resistance Radio
463 XLX573 USA XLX.W4ISO.com Eastern NC
464 XLX575 USA New Mexico Multiprotocol Reflector
465 XLX576 USA Region 7 Reflector
466 XLX577 CN XLX577 By Linhai-BG5FOX
467 XLX580 Kanazawa Japan XLX VoIP Reflector by JA9DIJ
468 XLX581 Brazil XLX for testing purposes. Fell free to QSO. Maintaned by PY2KO
470 XLX586 ITALIA IPv4+IPv6 XLX585 transcoding server NO DIRECT USER access allowed
471 XLX587 USA QuadNet Digital Network
472 XLX588 United States Western Colorado DSTAR-YSF-DMR transcoding
473 XLX590 Japan experiment
474 XLX599 Japan Hosted by JM8KQE in Ebetsu-City, Hokkaido.
475 XLX600 United Kingdom DVSPH.net D-Star Reflector system and home to DMR TG23556 UK Multimode
476 XLX604 Scotland ScotMulti=Edinburgh+Lothians+ScotBorders
477 XLX608 Fukuoka Japan WELCOME XRF608 Reflector by JR6PUE
478 XLX610 ITALY CISAR Trieste Multimode Reflector - Terminal mode active (ABE)
479 XLX616 China APRNet Reflector on XLX616
480 XLX617 USA Cape Ann Area Massachusetts
481 XLX618 USA HemetMultiMode 59173 Modules BEHIJR are linked to 59073
482 XLX620 Japan STARFIELD Amateur radio club Reflector
483 XLX621 United States HRCC LINK
484 XLX624 USA WA8BRO - XLX624 - CQ-Michigan - WA8BRO - Direct Repeater Connections
485 XLX625 USA WA8BRO - XLX625 - CQ-Michigan - BMTG 3198726 - YSF 73601
486 XLX626 USA 3.907 Group
487 XLX630 Japan Hosted by JA3NCL in Nara, Japan.
488 XLX632 US Minnesota reflector (was REF053)
489 XLX633 United States KE0TCF hosted reflector in Tri-Cities Nebraska
490 XLX634 Japan Hosted by VoIP Reflector HAM Club (JQ1ZTN) in Tokyo
491 XLX636 Latvia Latvian multi-mode reflector. Bridged to TG24706 in BrandMeister.
492 XLX642 Lithuania Lithuania XLX DMR-YSF-DStar Reflector
493 XLX645 USA Penn-Link - info.pennlinkgroup.com - YSF & ICOM G3 Terminal Support
494 XLX646 USA your_comment
495 XLX647 Thailand Hosted by HS5BLO in Bangkok Thailand
496 XLX649 US Let's go Brandon!
497 XLX651 Guatemala No DSTAR.26 Modulos. IMRS Habilitado
498 XLX654 Japan Hosted by JL3ZLY Hyogo Mukogawa Amature Radio Club, Osaka, Japan.
499 XLX655 South Africa Country Reflector
500 XLX656 USA Southern Amateur Radio Union
501 XLX659 United States Visit https://lhspodcast.info
503 XLX661 Japan By JG6YJW West Fukuoka
504 XLX662 USA US Auxiliary Communications Service - Live 2022-03-25
505 XLX666 Wales South Wales Digital Group
506 XLX667 your_country your_comment
507 XLX669 USA ShadowTronics.org
508 XLX672 United Kingdom Pi-Star MultiLink (Module E) BM 31672 / XLX672 E / YSF-31672 / NXDN-31672 / P25-31672 / M17-672 E
509 XLX673 Japan Hosted by JL3ZIN in Takatsuki-City, Osaka.
510 XLX676 USA Hosted by KJ7TQF
511 XLX677 England XLX677 Reflector Hosted by M0UNC Transcoding Module B
512 XLX678 United Kingdom XLX678 by M0LXQ - Peanut enabled!
513 XLX679 United States DSTAR reflector to Brandmeister/TGIF TG 31679 on module A
514 XLX680 Kanazawa Japan XLX VoIP Reflector by JA9DIJ
515 XLX681 your_country your_comment
516 XLX683 USA Private Test Reflector
517 XLX685 USA oddballs.digital
518 XLX686 UK NWRG Warrington
519 XLX687 USA Atlanta,GA,USA experimental testing
520 XLX689 USA West TEXAS
521 XLX691 THAILAND XLX server for all friends host by HS1HBJ and admin by HS1GAB
522 XLX696 RUSSIA Link-3
523 XLX697 HONG KONG ICOM Terminal Mode and MMDVM sure
524 XLX698 Japan Hosted by JH4UVQ in Ohda-City.
525 XLX699 Sweden Tekniksnack.se
526 XLX700 The Netherlands The XLX ReFlectoR of RundFunk Richard...
527 XLX701 Japan Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref.
528 XLX702 USA K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702
529 XLX705 Japan Hosted by JA6ZOG in Amakusa-City Kumamoto-Pref, Japan.
530 XLX706 Italy Official TG22201 TG222773 TG222111 DSTAR-DMR-YSF-WiresX - Lazio - 773 radio Group - RNRE
531 XLX707 The Netherlands Digitale Voice Nederland
532 XLX708 Japan Hosted by Daigasen Sky-island Ham club in Tsuyama-City Okayama, Japan
533 XLX709 USA ST Martha Talkgroup
534 XLX710 The Netherlands Dutch Test Reflector
535 XLX711 USA Zombie Apocalypse Command Resource and Preparations Training Center | NC SC GA Regional Comms
536 XLX712 Catalunya Xarxa Catalana Digital (XLX v2.5.2) www.RADIOAFICIONATS.com
537 XLX714 Catalunya Xarxa Catalana Digital (XLX v2.5.2) www.RADIOAFICIONATS.com
538 XLX715 CATALUNYA Benvingut al reflector XLX DStar catala
539 XLX716 Peru Sistema Multiprotocolo Perú Digital, DMR, DStar, YSF.
540 XLX717 NL Reflector BRAC Den Bosch
541 XLX718 Italy Allstar-515930
542 XLX720 USA Parker Radio Association Digital System https://parkerradio.org
543 XLX721 USA KY Digital Voice. DSTAR DCS721A - DMR TG3121232 - Fusion YSF51149
544 XLX722 USA Linking the links (D*=WI9RAC, YSF=, DMR=)
545 XLX723 Greece Testing - Interlinks are welcomed !
546 XLX727 Thailand Transcoding XLX to D*/DMR/YSF/P25 BM bridge
547 XLX729 United Kingdom
548 XLX730 CHILE XLX730 Chile Multiprotocol Reflector
550 XLX733 US W2BN Talkgroup
551 XLX734 USA xlxref Venezuela
552 XLX735 USA QuadNet Development Reflector
553 XLX737 Greece RAAG XLX reflector tri mode DMR DSTAR YSF
554 XLX740 United States Beaver Creek ARA Linking System
555 XLX741 Japan Hosted by JO4HHL in Iwakuni-City Yamaguchi-Pref
556 XLX742 Ecuador HC3 Loja Radio Club
557 XLX744 Panama Chiriqui Link Panama
558 XLX745 Japan Hosted by Syunan-City Susuma Reflector
559 XLX747 Germany D-Star Reflector run by DARC L23
560 XLX748 USA Multi-Mode Reflector
561 XLX749 USA World Wide DX-Link System
562 XLX750 New Zealand Digital Radio Group NZ
563 XLX751 Australia Digital Radio Group
564 XLX752 Poland Multi Refletor
565 XLX753 Japan Hosted by JK1DUY Reflector in Abiko-city
566 XLX755 Corsica TKNet VoIP - Corsican multiprotocol digital and analog network (http://tknet.radioamateur.tk)
567 XLX757 USA QuadNet Multiprotocol Reflector
568 XLX758 Japan Temporarily in operation
569 XLX760 Los Angeles, CA XPR Pinoy Network
570 XLX762 USA Rochester, NY, USA @ RIT
571 XLX763 USA Morten Reflector
572 XLX765 Japan Sakura VPS Ishikari-#1 feat. OpenBSD (testing IPv6 at
573 XLX766 Brazil Site XLX Amrase Brazil
574 XLX767 Japan Shizuoka-city Reflector
575 XLX768 Portugal HamradioPT XLX Reflector
576 XLX769 SW Missouri, USA KE6GAE XLX Server for all Hams
577 XLX770 Tokushima JAPAN Hosted by JG5VFK Tokushima,Japan
578 XLX771 Korea Hosted by DS3DIF Geunjin Mun in Taean, Korea
579 XLX772 Korea Hosted by DS3DIF linked to XLX771
580 XLX773 Italy ZONA 0 - 773 RadioGroup - Roma - Latina
581 XLX774 Canada your_comment
582 XLX775 Italy Regionale Lombardia
583 XLX777 SPAIN XLX Reflector hosted by EALINK (System Operator EA4FVB).
584 XLX778 Poland Polish HBLink Reflector (DMR/DSTAR/C4FM/P25/NXDN/M17)
585 XLX779 USA N8SDR_XLX779 ATTITUDES, VK-AMPS, SDR&More, Bourbon Room, & More
586 XLX780 USA Hosted by K8ZAS
587 XLX781 Japan Welcome to XLX781 Reflector Tosa-Kochi Japan by Tosachou Bousai Ham Club.
588 XLX782 your_country your_comment
589 XLX783 GB CROWS XLX 783 Reflector
590 XLX787 Germany Welcome to North Germany! DMR via modules C (TG 26226) and F (TG 26227). Hosted by DG0TD.
591 XLX789 US Testing XLXD
592 XLX790 Netherlands Reflector experiment by PE1KEV.
593 XLX794 Japan Hosted by JH5YUN in Ehime-Pref
594 XLX797 Japan Hosted by Imabari Amature Radio Club (JA5YRY) in Ehime-Pref, Japan.
595 XLX798 Bulgaria D-star - G3 terminal mode
596 XLX799 BULGARIA FreeDMR-TG284 on Module C and D-Star transcoding
597 XLX800 Bulgaria DMR<>YSF<> mixed room B Reflector by LZ1PLC
599 XLX802 SW Missouri SW Mo XLX server KE6GAE
600 XLX803 USA Welcome to the Clover XLX Reflector
601 XLX805 USA DMR<->AllSTAR<->C4FM (The Missing Link)
602 XLX806 XLX Austria Network XLX Austria Server http://dstaraustria.at
603 XLX807 Japan XLX807G<->YSF JP,JAPAN Bridge
604 XLX808 US Hosted by W4JJN in Georgia, USA
606 XLX811 Japan Japan DSTAR Central by David PA7LIM
607 XLX813 China Host by BH8CRG in SCRAA,Sichuan,China.
608 XLX814 USA Somerset PA Digital Repeater System
609 XLX815 USA Fun Machine Linked Repeater System
610 XLX816 USA - Levy Co, FL w4fe.com
611 XLX817 USA - Citrus Co, FL w4fe.com
612 XLX818 Thailand xlx818.hamnew.com XLX818 Reflector for HAM
613 XLX819 Canada Maskinonge Qc
614 XLX820 Australia XLX820 VK4RJW QLD
615 XLX822 Thailand XLX822 Thailand reflector hosted for All friends
616 XLX824 Australia XLX824 Rockhampton Qld
617 XLX827 USA Houston Area XLX Reflector
618 XLX828 USA Appalachain NC
620 XLX831 Monterey Bay, CA, USA D-STAR YSF
621 XLX832 WC/GC Florida, USA Hosted by AE5TC
622 XLX833 Japan XLX833. Aichi Desital Communication Ham Club. JJ2YYK /DCS/YSF/DMR Primary
623 XLX834 Japan Aichi Digital Communication HAM Club, JJ2YYK Japan.
624 XLX835 USA WMRA: DMR-XLX835-D-TG-6, YSF-REF-07941, P25-7941, NXDN-7941, D-STAR, BM KINGS OF DIGITAL TG-31620
625 XLX836 USA Welcome
626 XLX838 Canary Islands XLX838 Prov. Tenerife
627 XLX841 Korea Hosted by DS5QDR Heonmin Lee in Gimhae, Korea
628 XLX842 United States with G3 Terminal Connectivity Canada EN & FR, USA, Hosted by VA6MO. Located in Fremont, CA
629 XLX844 Germany Rheinland-Multimode, IPSC2-DL TS2/TG8092, YCS262 DG-ID92, YSF26200 DG-ID92 / HAMNET & I-Net
630 XLX847 US Chandler Hams
631 XLX848 US Chandler Hams
632 XLX850 Germany MultiMode DV: BM-TG263<=>YSF: DE-Germany<=>Wires-X: DL-WIRESX-BM263
633 XLX858 USA US-Arizona Reflector
634 XLX860 Germany XLX860 Allgaeu Multiprotcol with G3 Terminal Connectivity
635 XLX861 Canada with G3 Terminal Connectivity Canada EN & FR, USA, Hosted by VA6MO. Located in Toronto, ON
636 XLX862 Italy Gruppo Dstar Agrigento
637 XLX865 USA URF 865 Reflector hosted by K1LNX
638 XLX867 USA Multiprotocol - Module C Linked to 146.610 Repeater in Pembroke,NH
639 XLX868 United Kingdom G0TVJ
640 XLX870 The Netherlands Three . Five
641 XLX875 Germany D-Star Deutschland
642 XLX876 China CN BJS Changping XLXd by bh1ofp.com (Sysop BH1OFP)
643 XLX878 Japan Hosted by JR1LKL in Ota-ku Tokyo.
644 XLX880 The Netherlands --==<<[ PD5DJ Chatflector ]>>==--
645 XLX883 Tokushima Japan xlx883 multiprotocol Gatewat Reflecotor
646 XLX885 Italy Transcodifica Umbria
647 XLX886 Taiwan Transcoding Enabled, DV Taiwan Amateur Radio Club, sysop: BU2EA (BX2AFC)
648 XLX890 Germany reflector for testing - show NOTE / Reflektor zum Testen - siehe Hinweis
649 XLX891 USA Western New York Digital - http://wny-digital.network
650 XLX893 Japan Sanyo Packet Doukoukai
651 XLX894 Japan Hosted by JG3XKA in Toyonaka-City, Osaka
652 XLX895 United States K2LTU Reflector v2
653 XLX897 RF test
654 XLX900 Germany hosted by DO7JG
655 XLX901 CATALUNYA Benvingut al reflector XLX DStar catala
656 XLX902 your_country your_comment
657 XLX903 Australia ||| Aussies Talking DX. All Welcome here |||
658 XLX904 Japan Hosted by Kure Digital Ham Club (JA4ZZZ) in Kure-City.
659 XLX905 Austria ÖVSV XLX Multiprotocol Reflector
660 XLX906 USA XLX-906
661 XLX907 SPAIN XLX Hosted by EA4GAX
663 XLX909 THAILAND HS1AB Volunteer Radio Association (VRA)
664 XLX910 USA Multiprotocol - Washington,DC-Maryland-Virginia
665 XLX911 Thailand Hosted by The DXer (E20AE)
666 XLX912 SPAIN XLX Hosted by EA7CCQ
667 XLX913 USA SouthEast Link - Every mode that you can think of! - lmarc.net
668 XLX918 USA By W3KIT / HS0ZOE testing in progress...
669 XLX919 Thailand ADRThai : Analoge&Digital Radio Thailand
670 XLX920 United States your_comment
671 XLX921 CUMBRIA UK cumbriaCQ.com Multimode URF Reflector
672 XLX922 Scotland CQ-UK Multimode Network Server Supports Icom G3, Yaesu IMRS DG-ID
673 XLX923 USA SouthEast Link - Every mode that you can think of! - lmarc.net
674 XLX924 Svizzera Gruppo DStar ITSWISS
675 XLX925 N.Ireland Hosted by MI5DAW
676 XLX926 UK Lincolnshire UK Reflector
677 XLX927 USA K2AS XARC Reflector
678 XLX928 United States Hosted by NI2C in McKinney, Texas. G3 Enabled.
679 XLX929 CUMBRIA UK cumbriaCQ.com Multimode URF Reflector
680 XLX930 Italia XLX930
681 XLX933 France XLX933 Reflecteur Multiprotocol France DSTAR/DMR/C4FM
682 XLX934 Italy ARI FVG Radio Comunicazioni Emergenza
683 XLX935 USA N6LKA SoCal XLX935 Multiprotocol Reflector D-Star/DMR/YSF
684 XLX937 Russia Russian DV HAMs Network. DSTAR / DMR
685 XLX939 Switzerland Multimode reflector for Chablais Vaud-Valais, Switzerland
686 XLX941 USA DMR & YSF XLX-Florida-Link.com XLX Multimode Reflector
687 XLX942 Wales Swansea: DDR Multimode Module-D, YSF-00942, M17-942, Reflector
688 XLX944 Japan Hosted by Q-Yoshinogawa (JR5YEP) in Tokushima-Pref.
689 XLX946 USA Offical FATS Reflector
690 XLX947 USA Livingston Amateur Radio Klub
691 XLX948 United Kingdom ICQPodcast Multilink (Module A) BM-9480 / XLX948A / YSF-09480 / NXDN-9480 / P25-9480 / M17-948
692 XLX949 USA XLX949 - US Beards Den
693 XLX950 Luxembourg XLX Multiprotocol Gateway developer platform hosted by DVC (dvc@rlx.lu)
694 XLX951 USA Youth Amateur Radio Network
695 XLX952 USA N0VRS - N0VARS Findlay, ohio
696 XLX953 Canada your_comment
697 XLX954 Germany B06 Bayreuth
699 XLX956 Germany Experimental Reflector - Emergency Radio Station Bayreuth - DR4W (no D-Star, only DMR and C4FM)
700 XLX957 Italy XLX_957_Valsabbia
701 XLX959 Japan Hosted by JA5LUA in Takamatsu-City.
702 XLX960 Murphys, Ca. USA Public Service Users Club
703 XLX963 USA Test Reflector for W5YIU Cypress,TX
704 XLX964 France Test F4LDW
705 XLX965 Italy FreeDMR IT Multiprotocol Node
706 XLX968 United States KC9RGX Exp. with Digital Data on Reflector
707 XLX969 Wisconsin USA RRARC K0CKS Reflector
709 XLX972 Israel MultiProtocol Reflector for Israel
710 XLX973 USA Testing XLX Reflector by KN6ZDM.
711 XLX974 Qatar Testing Stage
712 XLX975 Germany Multiprotocol Reflector, AI Chatbot, 6ch Transcoding
713 XLX976 France Hosted by F8KGK
714 XLX977 GB North Western Repeater Group
715 XLX978 USA New England Reflector - G3 enabled - now supporting Peanut
716 XLX979 USA W5SFA Radio Club Bellville TX
717 XLX980 USA XLX980 Reflector - New York City
718 XLX981 USA Livingston Amateur Radio Klub
719 XLX982 USA Livingston Amateur Radio Klub
720 XLX983 USA Multimode ILS: ASL/AW/EL/HoIP/DMR/D-STAR/M17/NXDN/P25/YSF -G3- K8JTK.org
721 XLX984 Denver, CO, USA denhax Multi Reflector
722 XLX985 Netherlands Experimental D-Star and transcoding reflector
723 XLX986 Germany XLX986 Thueringen.link / FM-FunkNetz.de
724 XLX987 USA KJ5GOV's Official XLX Reflector
725 XLX988 Japan Hosted by JL3ZIN in Takatsuki-City, Osaka.
726 XLX989 USA TEXAS Transcoded DMR/D-STAR/YSF Reflector
727 XLX990 Japan XLX Reflector in KAGOSHIMA Soo-City
728 XLX991 Scotland Multimode Server
729 XLX992 SPAIN Multiprotocolo de la Unión de Radioaficionados de Córdoba DMR<>YSF<>D-STAR
730 XLX993 japan XLX Reflector in test
731 XLX994 GB The Online Radio Club multimode reflector
732 XLX995 Cowpaddy, AZ US ClearNode, DVMEGA, DVSwitch Users Group+
733 XLX996 New Zealand Hamilton City
734 XLX997 Italy D-Star Group Lodi - Lombardia
735 XLX998 UK Dedicated to learning - Try here...
736 XLX999 Italy Welcome to IW1ELO's Reflector
737 XLXA51 USA - North MS Reflector for Area 51 Radio Group - Use XLX151 for DMR || DSTAR C
738 XLXA57 United States Hosted by AF5XP
739 XLXALT USA Altoona
742 XLXBAS Italy XLX Transcode
743 XLXBAT ITALY IT-C4FM_BAT Multiprotocollo
744 XLXBRA Brazil Exclusivo D-STAR / SEM Transcodificação
745 XLXCAN Canada Ottawa, Ontario
746 XLXCAT Catalunya XLXCAT Reflector sistema D-Star
747 XLXCHA CHINA XLXCHA China 中国反射器 适合中国大陆地区使用
748 XLXCHI USA Windy City Amateur Radio Society XLXCHI Reflector https://wcars.radio/
749 XLXCHN CHINA XLXCHN Test for now
750 XLXCKG China 数字互联TG46023 (D-STAR,YSF,P25,DMR)
751 XLXCOD UK Suffolk UK Codgers
752 XLXCZE Czech_Republic Zatim jeste nic
753 XLXD2A ITALY D2ALP Network D-Star Reflector. Also DMR TG22215 BM and YSF #22215. Visit www.d2alp.it
754 XLXDF8 Germany Yet another reflector in Germany
756 XLXDMR United States AmComm Network IMRS
759 XLXEMO ITALY Emilia Ovest Network XLX D-STAR. Available also on YSF and DMR. See ysf22222.it
760 XLXEND Germany Ennepetal/NRW
761 XLXFOX USA UnderConstruction: Foxhole
763 XLXGAY GLOBAL LGBTQ+ Ham Radio Community
764 XLXGUN Japan Gunma Japan feel free to use
765 XLXHAM Italy IrcDDB-Italia - www.ircddb-italia.it - www.ircddb.it
766 XLXHKG Hong Kong, China
768 XLXILS USA W9ILS Digital Group / Indiana-Link-South
769 XLXIS0 Sardinia Island TEST (www.is0.org)
770 XLXIT1 ITALY XLXIT1 IrcDDB-Italia - www.ircddb-italia.it - www.ircddb.it
772 XLXJAX USA JAX-Beach Reflector
773 XLXJPN Japan Hosted by JQ1ZTN ( VoIP Reflector Club ).
774 XLXKKV USA KC local
776 XLXKZH Kazakhstan DMR Local
777 XLXLEF United Kingdom GB LEFARS
779 XLXLXF Austria Breitenwaida
780 XLXM17 USA DroidStar.Net
781 XLXMDC United States Missouri Digital Calling
783 XLXNL1 NL Dutch URFd Multimode Reflector
784 XLXNLD Netherlands Dutch DSTAR Central
785 XLXNRW NRW / Germany
786 XLXOKL USA OklahomaLink/RCWA System
787 XLXPOL Poland MiniLink
788 XLXPTA South Africa Pretoria, South Africa HAM talk group
789 XLXQRZ HELLAS Zone Net! Digital Voice Reflector D-Star ICOM G3 Terminal support!
791 XLXSAT USA AMSAT, Amateur Radio Satellite Operations, Module C
792 XLXSIN USA Welcome to the W9WIN Digital Network
794 XLXSPB Russia Saint-Petersburg XLX Reflector
795 XLXSPC USA Florida's Space Coast
796 XLXTEX USA Southeast Texas DMR-YSF-D-Star Reflector. (Work in Progress)
797 XLXTHA Thailand XLX Thailand is a D-Star,YSF,DMR Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators.
798 XLXTRK Turkey XLXTRK Reflector
799 XLXTUR Turkey XLX Reflector
800 XLXTYO Japan Users Group of Shinagawa 430 for D-Star repeater
801 XLXUDN Japan UDON Ken Reflector
802 XLXUFB USA Sunday Night Net at 7:30pm!
803 XLXUFO USA Earth Radio Ambassadors - UARC
804 XLXUPI United States Playing Radio
805 XLXUS1 USA - EST w4fe.com
806 XLXUS2 USA - CST w4fe.com
807 XLXUS3 USA - MST w4fe.com
808 XLXUS4 USA - PST w4fe.com
809 XLXUS5 USA - Backup w4fe.com
810 XLXUSA USA w4fe.com
811 XLXUTR The Netherlands The XLX reflector of VERON A08 - PI4UTR
813 XLXVE2 CANADA-QC XLXVE2-QUEBEC -Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network
814 XLXVE3 CANADA-ONT XLXVE3-ONTARIO -Canada Wide XLX Reflector Network
815 XLXVE4 CANADA-MB XLXVE4-MANITOBA Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network
816 XLXVE5 CANADA-SASK XLXVE5-SK -Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network
817 XLXVE6 CANADA-AB XLXVE6 ALBERTA--Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network
818 XLXVE7 CANADA-BC XLXVE7-BC -Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network
819 XLXVGB Great Britain XLXVGB-London -UK Wide XLX Reflector Network
820 XLXVPS Quebec - Canada - Dashboard & Reflector
821 XLXWA1 US None at this time
823 XLXWIT Germany Backup Service
824 XLXXME USA Go Army! Beat Navy!
825 XLXZDL USA Zion Digital Link
826 XLXZHU Регион Для своих
827 XLXZZZ America Part of the ARRG.US ARRAY ~

XLX 751 is Supported by Brett ZL1OZ/ZL2AUS from Digital Radio Group New Zealand

Brett is a huge supporter of this reflector.

We wouldn't have the links to this reflector without his efforts on XLX750